Anna from Recicleta sent us some pictures of the trailers we made for them.

She wrote:
The trailers have worked out really well for us! I'm sending a few photos of our bikes to give you an idea of what we did with the trailers. We run a programme in the touristic colonial town of San Cristóbal de Las Casas where we pick up recyclable and organic materials from businesses such as restaurants, bars, cafés and hotels. San Cristóbal doesn't have any kind of recycling system or even a place to dump its waste, what is picked up by the public garbage service gets driven to other municipalities each day. It's kind of a mess so we started the programme to help spread the word about recycling and offer an alternative pick-up service that assures these materials are not simply thrown away but used to make other products.

They built the attractive cargo box enclosure themselves out of aluminum and polycarbonate sheet to save weight.

You can learn more about what they do at their website or their Facebook page. Follow them on Twitter at @recicletamx.
Thanks, Anna, for the photos and information, and for providing such a much-needed service to the businesses in your area.
Categories: Cargo Biking, Customers